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Even if you take care to keep your figure, it is always the food that you can eat without limit.  They are rich in fiber, since they are low in calories, filling without risk of gaining weight.  However, you should always make sure that your diet is well balanced with a good variety of foods.

1) whole egg:

Eggs are another food that has been unfairly demonized in the past.  The truth is that eggs are incredibly healthy and rich in important nutrients.  The eggs are very healthy and contain all the essential nutrients that your body needs. 

Although demonized in the past, eggs are one of the most nutritious foods.  In fact, half the protein in an egg is in the yolk.  Most nutrients, including about half the protein in an egg, are in the yolk.  Eggs are a complete protein because they contain the nine essential amino acids.  In addition, they are very complete.

2) oranges, grapefruit and tangerines

  A lot of fruit is not recommended if you want to lose weight, however, citrus fruits are an exception here.  They are rich in substances such as fiber, flavonoids and vitamin C. They help digestion, liver and skin and make healthier in general.

3) Boiled Calories:

 Because of their high carbohydrate content, many people avoid potatoes when trying to lose weight, but they should not.  Potatoes rich in carbohydrates and starches are often on the list of foods that should not be eaten.  However, boiled potatoes are not that unhealthy.  They are very nutritious and are number one in the Satiety Index.  The resistant starch contained in this food acts as a soluble fiber and helps keep it longer.  Whole potatoes are rich in vitamins, fiber and other important nutrients.  They also contain a certain type of starch called resistant starch (8, 9).  The resistant starch contains half the calories of a normal starch (2 instead of 4 calories per gram).  In your digestive system, it acts like a soluble fiber, helping you feel full.  Since the addition of food-resistant starch helps satisfy hunger, it causes a decrease in caloric intake.

 4) Oats:

 Oat is a type of oatmeal, or hot cereal, that is often consumed for breakfast.  It is incredibly satisfying and ranks third in the Satiety Index.  This is mainly due to its high fiber content and its ability to absorb water.  Oats are a good source of soluble fiber called beta-glucan, which helps slow the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.  Compared to breakfast ready cereals, oatmeal was more effective in suppressing appetite, increasing satiety and reducing caloric intake during the day.

 5) Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower:

 These vegetables are your allies in the fight against overweight.  A portion of cabbage cut into cubes represents only 7 kcal.  Of course, you should not only eat cabbage and cauliflower because its nutrients compete with iodine, but you can easily include it several times a week.

6) Popcorn:

  Popcorn is a complete food containing more fiber than any other snack.  They have a high volume and few calories, which gives them a great place in the stomach and few calories.  Air popcorn is the healthiest variety.  Commercial microwave popcorn is rich in calories and treated with carcinogenic chemicals.  If you fry popcorn without butter or sugar (with a little salt, for example), you can eat it without fear.  In this way, a portion (about a cup) contains only 31 kcal.

  7) citrus fruits:

  Like apples, citrus fruits are rich in pectin, which can slow down digestion and increase satiety.  They also have a high water content.  Oranges and grapefruits contain over 87% water, which means they can contain you for very few calories.  It has been suggested that eating grapefruit may promote weight loss.  In one study, obese participants who ate grapefruit lost significantly more than those taking placebo.  In another study, eating half a grapefruit three times a day for six weeks during meals was associated with modest weight loss and a significant reduction in waist circumference when combined with caloric restriction, grapefruit or grapefruit juice consumption  before meals they led to a 7.1% weight loss.  , a significant reduction in body fat and weight perimeter.  However, these results may not be exclusive to grapefruit, with drinking water before meals with similar effects.

8) fish:

 Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids can increase satiety in overweight or obese people.  They are also loaded with high quality proteins, which are known to be very abundant.  In fact, fish has a higher score than all other protein-rich foods in the Satiety Index and ranks second among all the foods tested.  Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and proteins.  It helps keep obese people full for a long time.  In the satiety index, fish is better classified than other foods rich in proteins.  It was found that people who eat fish during a meal would consume fewer calories at the next meal.  One study showed that the effect of fish on satiety was significantly greater than that of chicken and beef.  Another study found that participants who consumed fish consumed 11% fewer calories at the next meal than those who consumed beef.

 9) Melon and watermelon:

 With 60-70 kcal per serving, you can eat them every day.  These fruits help to eliminate excess fluid from your body and fill you up.

 10) Algae:

 Seaweed, like seaweed, is the best source of iodine.  They help your thyroid function normally, keeping your hormones at normal levels and preventing you from getting fat.


 Losing weight is not just eating until you feel full.  It is about choosing the right foods that give you a feeling of fullness for a minimum of calories.